
Hello! I am not a professional photographer.  However, I have had a 35mm camera in my hands for over 45 years.  As a horticulture professor, I have used it to document my research, teach my students and educate producers and consumers of horticultural products.  
My photo-taking has been fairly functional and descriptive for about 35 of those years.  Ten years ago, I began seeing photography as another way of expressing that creative drive in me.  I have found great joy and satisfaction being in a beautiful garden and capturing an image that reminds me of the moment or even enhances the memory.  
For me, part of the creative process is sharing it with others. So I have created this portfolio.  It contains mostly recent creative work but there are a few images with some age on them.  My images fall into a few categories, so I have placed them as such for clarity.  I will update them as the need or impulse dictates.  
Please enjoy them.  If you care to comment on one or more images, or if you want to provide a link to some of your own, please do. 
Bill Fonteno
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